Welcome to our extensive Lesson Library, where you can access a wide range of free Japanese language lessons and resources.
The Three Types of Japanese Sentences

Master the essentials of Japanese grammar with our interactive lesson, which breaks down the three fundamental sentence types using authentic materials from a Japanese 2nd-grade classroom.
Introduction to Jyoshi III: Relating to the Verb (を)

A lesson on the を (wo) 助詞 (jyoshi), covering direct objects and differences between sentence structure in English and Japanese..
Introduction to Jyoshi II: Different Functions of Jyoshi (が)

A lesson on the が (ga) 助詞 (jyoshi), exploring its function as a subject marker and its differences from は (wa)..
Conjugation in Japanese: It Doesn't Exist

An exploration of why 'conjugation' is a misnomer in Japanese grammar and a breakdown of actual verb changes..
Reading and Writing in Japanese II: Hiragana and Katakana

A lesson on Hiragana and Katakana, covering their functions, sounds, and basic character variations..
Introduction to Jyoshi I: Particles, but Not Those Particles (は)

A lesson on the Japanese 助詞 (jyoshi) particles, focusing on the は (wa) particle and its differences from English particles..
How 2nd Graders Learn Japanese (The Three Types of Japanese Sentences)

An insightful look into how Japanese second graders learn the language by understanding the three types of Japanese sentences..
Reading and Writing in Japanese I: The Japanese Writing Systems

An introduction to the three writing systems of Japanese: Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji, and their roles in the language..
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